Sunday, November 29, 2009

Boys on the Road on Friday 13th.

Our U12 Boys travelled to Cavan on Friday 13th. in very bad weather conditions. Between the bad weather and the bad directions to Cavan Sports Centre, Rockets arrived a half an hour late! It was a very tight match with with Aaron Walsh playing his first match for the Rockets.It was a low scoring game with the Rockets playing their hearts out and it was all square at 8 all at the final whistle. Unfortunately Adam Kealy who had played full 0f spirit was fouled out and was badly missed for extra time when we lost by a single basket.

The U14 Boys had much better luck in Cavan and played out of their skins. In particular Ronan Smith was on fire with plenty of steals and lay-ups , putting the Rockets into a good lead at half-time. All the substitutes were brought on and they all played excellently with Padraig Scurry scoring a great outside shot. U14 Rockets were playing so well the opposition only managed to get one basket and Rockets came home the easy winners.

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