Sunday, November 15, 2009

U12 Girls win a thriller!

On Saturday 14 November, U12 Girls, Dunshaughlin Rockets took on Dundalk Ravens in the Dundalk Sports Centre.It was a very tight match, and at half time it was Rockets 6, Ravens 8.The teams had a good team talk and came back on fighting.The last 2 quarters were very tight. Ravens and Rockets battled right to the last buzzer, but Rockets took the glory in the end, leaving the final score Rockets 13, Ravens 11.
Kelly, Rachel Ennis, Ailis, Holly, Emily, Caoimhe, Aoibhe, the two Ruths and Sadhbh played an excellent match and deserved the win.Most of the team has only started in September, and it was a great first win.
By Sadhbh O'MuirĂ­


  1. Well Done to all the girls that played.
    Hope I didn't forget anyone =/!

    Sadhbh x

  2. Thats really good Sadhbh what do I do to make one

  3. Just write your report and email to
    Don't forget to enter your name in the "Comment as" : drop down menu..Just type your name where it says Name/URL
    It really is that easy. Spread the word.

  4. that report was awsome, brill and fantastic
