Saturday, November 14, 2009

U14's have a budding reporter in their ranks !

On the 7th November the boys U14 headed to Streete for the first match of their season with their new coach Gerry McDonnell. It was a tight game throughout, but Streete pulled away towards the end of the last quarter. In a desperate attempted for a basket with 10 seconds to go Aaron Kealy took a shot in his own net!! Thankfully he missed.

The score finished at
19 – 16 to Streete.


On the Monday night of the 9th November the boys under 14 travelled to Oldcastle. The score in the match was quite tight and after 4 quarters of basketball the teams were level. 3 minutes of overtime was played and Dunshaughlin came out victorious with a score of 24 – 23. With the players returning home past 11 o’clock, I’m sure there was a lot of tired people in school the next morning - but it was worth it !

1 comment:

  1. That was a great way to win a game boys. You can't beat a bit of tension.Well done - and don't stop now that you have the winning habit.
